Office Administration Skills
This 8-week course covers a host of essential skills that are required for busy offices or administration fields.
This course consists of One 2-hour class per week for a duration of 8 weeks.
This Office Administration Skills course will offer you the essential skillset in working in any office environment and carry out your day-to-day tasks with ease and confidence.
In this course you will learn:
- Microsoft Word Essentials
- Touch Typing Skills
- File & Folder Management
- Outlook for Email, Calendar and Address Book Management
Microsoft Word Essentials:
- Understand the key concepts of Microsoft Word.
- Recognise good practice in document formation by recognising good text layout practices.
- Understand the different elements such as applying Headers & Footers, Alignment & Line Spacing, Building Quick Parts for efficiency.
- Create and manage Minutes of Meetings while using tables.
- Learn to use the efficiency of Word to quickly create documents with Table of Contents, Cover Pages etc.
- Use of Mail Merge for printing or emailing office letters, documents, envelopes etc.
Touch Typing Skills:
- Learn how to manage the keyboard with finger placement.
- Learn keystrokes one by one using an online platform which you can log on and practice anytime.
- With regular practice, watch your speed and accuracy build up.
File & Folder Management:
- Learn how to manage the files and folders on your system.
- Learn to recognise various file types and how to save them into multiple folders.
- Gain confidence in understanding and working with filepaths and learn to confidently navigate your way around various drives and folders.
- Learn to Move, Copy, Delete and Rename files while working with File Explorer application.
- Learn to effectively manage your email messages.
- Organise, sort and produce emails.
- Learn to create and use your Address Book.
- Manage and Share Outlook Calendars.
- Create and manage Meetings and the required attendees.
What are the benefits of Office Administration Skills?
Office Administration Skills are the most transmittable skills you can learn and offers you a heads start in any job or administration field. Learning to confidently use and manage various skill as outlined above, helps you put your first foot forward into today's busy Office environments. Office Administration posts have become more demanding in recent years and involves a performing and managing a multitude of tasks daily. Displaying skills such as Touch Typing and File Management are key in working productively and efficiently. Combining these essential skills will ensure you keep ahead of your game in balancing everyday tasks.